MAC Series


The Air Conditioners series MAC [excluding the MAC (O) models] are designed and manufactured as air-condensed monobloc units, in explosion-protected execution, with an Ex type of protection specifically suitable to the “area classification”, declared by the ‘User

The series is ATEXIECEx – and EACEx certified and is suitable to Cooling/Air Conditioning Ex p Pressurized Cabinets, Electro-Instrumental Panels and Cabins, intended for “onshore/offshore” installation, in Hazardous Area classified as Zone 1 and/or Zone 2 and/or Zone 21 and/or Zone 22


The model of an Air Conditioner series MAC is defined by a basic code, composed as follow:

M: Manufacturer’s code (EMB)
AC: Air Conditioner
(P)-: for Pressurized Cabinets*
CWM: Conditioner Wall Mounting*
CRM: Conditioner Roof Mounting*

*Acronyms used only in the Codes of Air Conditioners for Exp Pressurized Cabinets

CW: Cooler Wall mounting
CR: Cooler Roof mounting
X: Ex Air Conditioner

. . . :  Cooling Capacity in W, expressed by a 3-digits number consisting of the 2 first digits of the power value and of a third digit indicating the quantity of following “noughts” that complete the value itself

The indicated below 7 models, where the second digit is 1, belong to second generation Air Conditioners

For the complete definition of the model, it is necessary to integrate the basic code, with further acronyms, relating to the power supply voltage, the Refrigerant Gas type, as well as to any optional, accessories and/or special versions

The acronyms can be deduced from the respective brochures

The MAC series includes the following types of AIR CONDITIONERS

Basic codes related to the range of AIR CONDITIONERS for Ex p Pressurized cabinets

Wall mounting execution

MAC(P)-CWM142, nominal cooling capacity: 1400 W
AC(P)-CWM202, nominal cooling capacity: 2000 W
MAC(P)-CWM232, nominal cooling capacity: 2300 W
MAC(P)-CWM302, nominal cooling capacity: 3000 W

Roof mounting execution

MAC(P)-CRM142, nominal cooling capacity: 1400 W
MAC(P)-CRM202, nominal cooling capacity: 2000 W
MAC(P)-CRM232, nominal cooling capacity: 2300 W

Basic codes related to the following range of AIR CONDITIONERS for Electro-Instrumental Panels and Cabins installed in Hazardous Area
the Air conditioners are equipped with Fan coil dry expansion (non-ductable ventilation) and can be equipped with heat pump

Capacità di riscaldamento, nella versione con Pompa di Calore: 2600÷6000 W

Esecuzione per montaggio a parete

MAC-CWX312, nominal cooling capacity: 3000 W
MAC-CWX412, nominal cooling capacity: 4000 W
MAC-CWX512, nominal cooling capacity: 5000 W
MAC-CWX712, nominal cooling capacity: 7000 W
MAC-CWX912, nominal cooling capacity: 9000 W

Roof mounting execution

MAC-CRX302, nominal cooling capacity: 3000 W
MAC-CRX402, nominal cooling capacity: 4000 W
MAC-CRX712, nominal cooling capacity: 7000 W
MAC-CRX912, nominal cooling capacity: 9000 W

to the complete model code it is necessary to add the /Fc1 alphanumeric suffix, which expressly identifies this range of Air Conditioners

Basic codes related to the following range of AIR CONDITIONERS for Electro-Instrumental Panels and Cabins, installed in Hazardous Area
The Air conditioners are equipped with Fan coil dry expansion (ductable ventilation) and without possibility of heat pump (heating with external electric heaters)

Monobloc configuration with a single structure equipped with: Cooling Circuit, Fans, Electric heaters and Logic Control Unit

The structure can house 2 redundant air conditioners, but the redundancy management will be exercised through an additional Logic Control Unit mounted separately

Wall mounting execution (with anti-vibration bellows interposed) and floor support:

MAC-CWX602÷ MAC-CWX104, nominal cooling capacity: 6.000÷100.000 W
Heating Capacity, with Electric Heaters: 2÷40 kW

Roof mounting execution:

MAC-CRX602÷ MAC-CRX104, nominal cooling capacity: 6.000÷100.000 W
Heating Capacity, with Electric Heaters: 2÷40 kW
to the complete model code it is necessary to add the /Fc2 alphanumeric suffix, which expressly identifies this range of Air Conditioners


AIR CONDITIONERS in ordinary execution (not Ex): MAC(O)

The following Application Examples show some of our most meaningful realizations of MAC series Air Conditioner

Analyzer House, Siemens  “JSC Gazprom Omsk Refinery” Omsk – Russian Federation, fitted with the following equipment for Ventilation and Air Conditioning:

  • EACEx 1 Ex d IIC T4 Gb Fan enslaved to a sensor of Oxygen deficiency  to ensure the necessary renewal of the air inside the cabin
  • Analyzer House Air Conditioner mod. MAC-CWX412GP00 – EACEx 1 Ex de ia mb px IIB+H2 T4 Gb
  • Air Conditioner mod. MAC(P)-CWM142YP00 for Pressurized Cabinet: MAP 184/AC (EACEx 2 Ex d ib pzc IIB+H2 T3 Gc) with Analysis System (CEMS) installed inside the Analyzer House

MAC-CRX302YF00 – ATEX II 2GD c IIC T4 Gb IIIC T135°C Db, with Sand protection

Air Conditioner: MAC-CWX123GT01/Fc2 – EACEx Ex d e ia mb px IIB T3 Gb
for Analyzer House “EIOU-AVT Omsk Refinery” Gazprom

Air Conditioner: MAC-CRX353GT01/Fc2 – IECEx 1 Ex de ia mb px IIC T4 Gb SAPURA KENCANA DRILLING ASIA – SINGAPORE